Monday, June 5, 2017

The last thing the world needs

Is another narcissistic running blog.  But the internet remains free and my self-regard is unabated so why not?  Maybe I'll get some free stuff out of this.  Anyway I live in Portland, Oregon and have been running for about a year.   I've improved to the point I'm averaging 35 miles per week, and have recently gotten sub 50:00 on my 10K.  I've competed in eight half marathons, two 10Ks and one marijuana fun run.  I will be running my first marathon in July.

Here are my current bona fides.

I'm not a fancy runner or particularly fast.  I'm heavyset and used to be fat.  But I've been committed to running for awhile now and I've got information to share.  So if you're here, enjoy.

I'll be publishing product and race reviews/recaps as well as my training history and any particularly interesting running related things I come across.  

Running a half marathon on a high dose marijuana edible: a case study

Runner’s Weed It was mile nine that I became a draft horse. One of those big and goofy Budweiser-type doofus-horses, the type with a cow fo...